Saturday, 30 May 2015

1985 Turbopower Junior U1100

Well, I got this a few days ago (Although it took almost 3 weeks to get here) for £25 and £10 P+P. Again on Facebook and from the same gentleman who sold me the U2332.

Anyway, he did say he had replaced the motor bearings,fan (generic), genuine brushroll and generic belt. So it didn't need anything major doing just the usual strip (including the motor),wash ALL the parts that can be washed, re-assembled then polish and wax, use and display!

Some pictures as usual. Pft, more like alot Emma :P

Befores then afters, before video as well then a review to follow soon.

Anyway, enjoy! before video

Clips that hold the fill tube on

so now im left with this
Belt,brushroll,belt guard and sole plate removed
some damage

so now im left with this.
parts  to wash
bag was rinsed with the shower ....

then hand washed twice. This is the first wash....

then into the washer with some softener
parts washed and drying. Now I can move onto the motor

the armature. I cleaned the commutator but didn't take an after picture

with the pan converter 

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

The U2716 Lives!

finally got a motor for the U2716 for £14 although now i need to find another height adjuster ah well

The white casing needed replacing but already had one spare. i dont dare total up how much iv'e spent on this machine

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

My U2332 Is Finally Complete! :D

Well i got my U2332 then the tool kit and now a manual.

Over all iv'e spent roughly £40 on this machine lol

about £15 (Inc P+P) for the tool kit

£20 for the machine (Inc P+P)

and now £4 (Inc P+P) for the manual

Ah well im happy though :D

Ill get more pictures when the manual arrives

my favorite picture :P  
.all in order starting with page 1,2 and so on

thats all :P